NWS RuleGuide - "The Latest": July 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Release 2.2 announced

Release 2.2 New Features/Enhancements

New Features:

  • Decision focused approach: Decisions - The Decision window in RuleGuide allows users to aggregate and manage all of the business rules (organized by Rule Family) that support a single business decision.
  • Decision focused approach: Rule Template - provides various formats for formal rule structures.
  • Decision focused approach: Rule Family- By displaying all of the Formal Rules for a particular conclusion in a table format for each Rule Family, RuleGuide makes it easier for the analyst to verify that the rule set is complete, accurate and free of logical gaps or overlaps.
  • Decision focused approach: Rule Patterns - RuleGuide automatically generates rule patterns for formal rules that contain common condition terms and the same conclusion terms.
  • Term hover for definition - provides a pop-up for valid values and definition for terms for formal rules displayed in a rule family.
  • Utilities: A Visio link has been added to the Utilities navigation menu item to allow for external link to Visio executable.
  • RuleGuide Administrator Handbook -released for Release 2.2
  • RuleGuide User Handbook - released for Release 2.2
  • User Interface (UI): A new UI design has been implemented for RuleGuide pages and windows. Also, enhanced save options are now provided on each RuleGuide window.
  • Import and Export Utilities: enhanced options for importing and exporting are now provided.
  • Versioning: enhanced Work-In-Progress(draft) versioning has been implemented
  • Blaze integration: additional new RuleGuide tables are now integrated
  • Rule Template: For formal rules, a quick add of term to glossary using right mouse menu is now provided.
  • Glossary: additional fields, client customizable fields are now available.
  • Fact Model: enhanced layout is now available
  • Infrastructure: enhanced database independence has been implemented

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