NWS RuleGuide - "The Latest": April 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Release 2.8 announced

New Features:

1. Formal Rule - The Message field has been expanded to allow selection of multiple messages for each formal rule
2. Formal Rule: The message panel has been added to show the selected messages
3. Message: messages now have a number and are identified by type/number.
4. Handbooks: Administrator and User handbooks are now available for Release version 2.8
5. Release Notes: release notes have been added to the sub menu of the Help navigation menu item, to the right of User Handbook


1. Business Definitions: Rule Type has been renamed to Rule Group for better clarity. Rule Group enables users to organize and group rules.
2. Decisions: Source Rule has been renamed to Rule Statement for better clarity. The Rule Statement sub-menu item enables the user to capture rules as a Business Rule Statement (in a natural language format) and create a profile for these rules.
3. Reset button - color changed to green to improve look of RuleGuide page.

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